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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

  • Learn, Enjoy, Achieve
  • Respect, Nurture
  • Engage
  • Resilience

School Uniform

Our school uniform is provided by My Clothing. New uniform can be ordered from their website by clicking here.

The uniform below should be supplied for children in our school:

  • Grey trousers or grey shorts
  • Grey pinafore or skirt
  • Pale blue checked dress
  • Navy blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece, preferably with school logo
  • Pale blue or white polo shirt, shirt or blouse
  • Plain white, black, navy or grey socks or tights
  • Black shoes.

PE Kit

  • White t-shirt
  • Black or navy blue shorts
  • Black 'slip on' plimsolls or trainers for all other children
  • A separate sweatshirt or tracksuit for cold weather (black or navy blue)
  • A drawstring bag is strongly recommended to keep PE kits tidy; these can be purchased from My Clothing. 

The uniform below should be provided for children in our nursery: 

  • A sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo
  • Grey or navy jogging bottoms
  • A pale blue or white polo shirt and navy blue shorts are available for warmer weather
  • Children will also need waterproofs as we will be using our outdoor environment ‘whatever the weather’
  • Footwear should be sensible and appropriate for climbing
  • Wellington boots are essential for those many wet days (children should not wear sandals to nursery).

                              Click here to order uniform or visit and bookmark


The Friends (PTA) arrange second-hand uniform sales on each playground every term.

We recommend that parents/carers regularly check lost property for named items, or collect unnamed items that may belong to their child. 

Should a parent/carer need support with buying uniform, please email the school office, or call on 01293 524076 for advice.