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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

  • Learn, Enjoy, Achieve
  • Respect, Nurture
  • Engage
  • Resilience

School Opening Hours


The school day begins at 8.55am; gates are open from 8:40am.

A member of staff, usually the Senior Leadership Team, will be standing at the gate to welcome the children in to school.

All children must be in their classroom for registration by 8.55am. If your child arrives after this time they will need to sign the late register in the school office. This will be marked as late. Arrival after 9:10am is marked as unauthorised absence.

The school day ends on the Lower Site at 3.00pm. The school day ends on the Upper Site at 3.10pm.

The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 31 hours and 40 minutes on the lower site and 32 hours and 30 minutes on the upper site.

Children in the Orchard should be collected by their parent/carer from their child’s classroom. If someone other than yourself is going to collect your child from school on a regular basis, please complete a ‘permission to collect my child’ form. If someone else will be collecting your child as a one off you need to inform the office in advance with the person's name or your child will not be released.

Parents/carers can nominate someone over the age of 13 to collect a child.

If your child is in Year 5 or 6, parents/carers must complete and sign the school’s permission form, if you wish your child to walk home alone. However, if your child attends a club which finishes later than the end of the school day, they must be collected at the end of the club.

For September 2024 start times will be changing:

Lower site - 8.40 - 3.10pm 
Upper Site - 8.50 - 3.20pm

Gates on the lower site will open from 8.25am, upper site gates will open at 8.35am.