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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

Special Support Centre (SSC) for Speech & Language Needs

Three Bridges Primary School Special Support Centre (SSC) For Speech and Language Difficulties

Three Bridges Primary School is at the heart of our vibrant and diverse community. The school has a Special Support Centre (SSC) attached to our mainstream school. Our SSC provides specialist individual and small group help from teachers, Speech and Language Therapists and Special Support Assistants who work together as a collaborative team. The children are based in their mainstream classroom supported by SSC staff where necessary, as well as withdrawn for specific interventions and speech therapy sessions. Staff are trained in the use of Makaton signing and the school uses ‘Communicate in Print’ which is a simple word and picture card system that is used to support communication and for visual prompts.

To be allocated a place in our SSC the children will usually:

  • Have a mismatch between their verbal/language skills and cognitive skills
  • Have been identified and assessed by a Speech and Language Therapist as having significant receptive and/or expressive language needs.
  • Require a high level of specialist teaching and Speech and Language Therapy support.
  • Show speech and language needs in the language spoken at home, if English is not their home language, as well as in spoken English.
  •  Have a desire to interact with their peers and adults and want to communicate with them.

Pupils placed in our SSC must have an Education Health Care Plan or a Statement.

Specific areas requiring support may include:

Receptive Language

  • Understanding and/or retaining verbally given information.
  • Understanding grammatical structures.
  • Understanding of vocabulary.
  • Listening skills.

Expressive Language

  • Expressing their thoughts and ideas.
  • Word finding or retrieval.
  • Phonological difficulties.
  •  Disordered use of vocabulary.
  • Our SSC provides:
  • Individual and small group Speech and Language Therapy.
  • Specialist teaching on an individual and small group basis.
  • Individual programmes of work jointly devised by the teaching staff and Speech and Language Therapist to address the objectives identified in the pupil’s Statement of Educational Needs.
  • A commitment to the inclusion of pupils in school.
  • Regular liaison with, and support to, parents.

Please read our Inclusion policy here

Please read SEN Information report here

Please see West Sussex Local Offer here

Please see our Accessibility Plan here