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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

Assessment (Including Age Related Expectations)

It is important that, as class teachers and teaching assistants, we know where every child is in their learning. We need to find out what your child has learnt and what he/she can do independently. Then we can plan what he/she needs to do next. This is how our assessment system works.

When we know what your child can do independently, we can decide whether he/she is working at the appropriate level for their age (instead of levels this is now known as Age Related Expectations or ARE) or whether they are working below or above the ARE. We look at detailed assessment criteria to help make these decisions. (See Age Related Expections documents below giving details of subject expections for each Year Group).

We are continually assessing your child in different ways. Informal assessment is where the teacher may hear your child read and record this in their reading journal or a teaching assistant might have observed them working on something. Formal assessment is where a teacher will analyse some independent work (written work, comments or photos etc.). A combination of both informal and formal evidence will inform the teacher’s decision about your child’s ability.

Class teachers then use this information to carefully plan next steps in learning for individual children, groups or the class as a whole. Senior leaders in school use this information to monitor the performance of classes and the school as a whole.  Most importantly as parents and carers, you are informed of your child’s progress and targets so that you can support at home.

As the curriculum has changed, so has the assessment. Instead of assessing children against levels, we will now be looking at whether your child is on track to meet their Age Related Expectations (ARE). This information will be shared at the Parent Consultation Evenings (parents will be advised of dates for their child’s class) and via the Spring Term Reports. If your child is not likely to meet their ARE, we will be telling you what we are doing in school to help your child achieve these. Children who are on track and exceeding these expectations will not be moved onto the next age range, but will be given opportunities to widen and deepen their learning further, showing a greater understanding at this higher level.

If you have any questions about the way we are assessing your child, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. Further information will be shared throughout the term.