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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

Extended Services


The school’s PSA works on both sites (Upper and Lower). Families experiencing difficulties with their child’s behaviour may be referred to meet with her and will be offered support and advice tailored to their childs individual needs.

Our PSA is on hand to deal with a wide range of problems that parents may be experiencing from toilet training right through to behavioural problems. Information about her role is often included in school newsletters.

The school’s Parent Support Advisor is Jane Terry and she can be contacted via the Lower Site school office on 01293 524076.

SSC & Inclusion Manager

The SSC and Inclusion Manager’s role includes the following areas:

  • Meeting with parents to discuss their child’s needs
  • Monitoring SEND provision within classes and organising intervention groups to support children with similar needs, for example Reading Recovery lessons, additional phonics, writing and maths support.  
  • Liaison with a large number of outside agencies including the Family Link Worker Service, Inclusion Support, Behaviour Support, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, the School Nurse and Social Services.

The designated link person for all SEN, EAL and G&T children is Mrs Smallman and Mrs McCartney and they can be contacted via the Lower and Upper Site school office on 01293 524076.

Family Link Worker

The aim of the Family Link Worker Service is to engage and build good working relationships with parents, children and colleagues working in school and other agencies; to work holistically and effectively with parents in ways that will improve their children's well-being; to provide relevant information about, and access to appropriate support services and opportunities that enable parents to improve their skills; to plan, deliver and offer parenting support courses for groups and one-to-one support. The school may make a referral if it feels that it will benefit a family.

School Nurse

School nurses work closely with pupils, parents, carers and teachers, offering support and advice on a range of issues. They play a vital role in children’s development, carrying out immunisation and screening programmes, managing medical conditions and acting as a point of contact on child protection issues. 

School Nurses are based at Crawley Hospital and will visit the school on a regular basis or to meet with parents as arranged. Parents are able to contact the school nursing team directly by calling Crawley Hospital on 01293 600300 and asking for the school nursing team or by asking a member of the school office (Upper or Lower Site) to make the call for them.

If you are experiencing any problems or concerns and would like support, parents and carers are welcome to make an appointment to see the appropriate member of staff or to telephone the school office to arrange for someone to call you at a convenient time.