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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

PE and Sport Premium

PE and Sport Premium Funding & Purpose of the Grant

The PE and Sport premium is an additional amount of money received by primary schools that is ring-fenced to be spent on activities to improve physical education and sport in schools.

  • Raise the attainment of pupils in PE by improving differentiation and raising the level of challenge
  • Provide teaching staff with high quality coaching to improve their teaching
  • Provide children with increased opportunity to take part in competitive sporting activities both within school (intra-school competition) and within the local area (inter-school competition).

expenditure of the sports premium

Sports Premium is spent in the following way:

Mr Wells and Mr Spackman are employed as full-time Sports Coaches to work alongside the school’s teachers to plan, execute and review PE teaching. 

An overview of how Three Bridges is using the grant to improve PE and sport provision 

Overall approaches to effective practice

Three Bridges has continued to build upon our aim of developing the rigour and quality of our PE provision. The school has achieved the Platinum Award for School Games for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. We are very proud!

In addition to the structure of lessons and effective use of equipment, support will be used to develop differentiation and assessment. The current intended outcomes are:

  • Improved teacher knowledge and understanding.
  • More accurate assessment (AfL) within PE and use of this to inform further teaching.
  • Selection and application of relevant differentiated activities.
  • Increase in challenge for more able pupils.
  • Increase in teacher confidence and understanding of safety.
  • Increase in activity levels within lessons.
  • Improvement in fitness and skill levels for all pupils.

The school develops action plans to ensure high quality provision is sustained and embedded for future years.

Creating sustainable provision

The funding is supporting professional development for teachers. As PE is not used to cover time out of class, the teachers at Three Bridges work alongside our Sports coaches. The aim of this process is to develop each teacher to a high standard through a coaching plan.

Emphasis on inter-school/intra-school competition

All pupils take part in intra-school (level 1) competitions as a part of curriculum PE lessons.  These are differentiated class competitions at the end of a unit of work which help raise the level of challenge in our school sport. It has also been used to identify children to go forward to represent the school in inter-school (level 2) competitions in a range of areas, from netball to athletics for A-D teams. 

Each year, there are School Sports days.  Every child competes in a variety of track and field activities against other teams (based on team colours) in the school.

Links to local clubs

A list of local clubs and contact details has been put on the school website and at the end of each unit of work pupils are given further information about joining local clubs; gifted and talented pupils in each area are given letters about training times / days and costs.

Wider role of School Sport

Pupils in Year 5 are trained as ‘Play Leaders’ in the Autumn term to support younger children to play games at break time and develop their skills as young leaders. Y5 pupils are then encouraged to take up a role as Play Leaders later in the year.

Year 6 pupils support and run KS1 and EYFS Sports Day, modelling and running the activities, and guiding their younger peers.

Upper KS2 children are chosen to be a part of the Sports Crew who discuss their ideas in order to work towards improving PE within the school. The Sports Crew are reselected in January.

Evidence of impact

We have a range of evidence that is used to assess the impact of the actions taken to improve PE teaching. These include:

  • Teacher practice audits before support from Sports Team and repeat questionnaire afterwards.
  • Anecdotal evidence from teachers about the increase in fitness and stamina of pupils.
  • Records that measure the number of children who take part in extra-curricular sporting activities.
  • Improvement in attainment of children in inter-school competitions.

Teachers are audited regularly to find out how their PE teaching practice is progressing.  

This is a working document and may be subject to additions or revisions.