Sporting update

This week Three Bridges Primary School took part in two football events and some children in year 1 performed at the Just Dance show.
On 7th March, we had the first Year 5 girls football competition of the year. The girls did brilliantly well finishing second in their group and progressing to the semi-final. We fell short in the end, losing to Milton Mount to a last-minute goal in a 1-0 defeat. The girls were a credit to our school and produced some excellent football.
To top off a great week of sporting success we also finally performed our year 1 dance at the just dance show 2024 at the Hawth! The children had been learning their dance in PE during Spring 1 and 2 and they were brilliant! Performing to a sell-out theatre and many of them had never danced before - well done TBPS!
On Friday the 8th of March we took a group of year 4 and 3 girls to attend the 'Let girls play' football scheme. The girls had a great time learning lots of new football skills and putting them into practice at the end in some small sided games, well done girls!