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Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Primary School

Three Bridges Sports

The last couple of weeks have been busy for the children of Three Bridges Primary school with a selection of children taking part in a football and cross country competitions. 

On Monday last week we took part in some competitive football games at TBCC 3G. They were all tense and exciting games in which all the boys showed great spirit. 


We took a handful of children to a cross country at Oriel High School on Thursday. Both boys and girl teams did well and despite the long distance, none thought about giving up! They all had great attitudes and determination.

Finally, on Friday last week, we took a team of girls to a Crawley town football tournament. The girls scored many goals and picked up some wins along the way!

On Monday this week, we had a Sports hall athletics event at the K2 which 18 children across year 5&6 competed in. We are happy to report we won our section of the event and await the final standings!

Well done to all 18 children involved...